Yuen Method™Classes

Class Schedule

Introductory Workshop

Level 1 Class

Level 2 Class

Level 3 Class

Tutorial & Review Classes

Prosperity Accelerator

Business Accelerator

Start & Run a Successful Yuen Method ™ Practice

Yuen Method™Certification


Yuen Method™ Level 1 Class

*accredited toward Dr. Kam Yuen’s Practitioner Certification Program

First Time:     $525.00
Repeat:          $315.00 (Please bring your manual from your first class with you)

16 Hours (Two Full Days)
Review the Introductory Class material, plus learn how and why when energy and chi stops flowing we have pains, ailments and issues. You will learn how to test for energetic weakness and how to make yourself and others energetically strong. Lean the in depth Yuen Method protocols to pinpoint issues that cause  physical, mental, emotional, psychological, psychic, and spiritual problems and then to make the proper corrections. This class covers the central nervous system, spinal cord, structural alignment, toxins and detoxification using the lymphatic system. You will learn to resolve muscular-skeletal pain, eliminate stress, anxiety and tension, as well as fears, phobias, other negative emotions and memories. You will gain an understanding of DNA and Quantum healing. You will have experience with distance and remote treatment and understand how to address health, fitness, ageing, relationship, money & finance and occupation issues. You will be given the entire protocols needed to do this work, and understand how to use them.

Become faster and more efficient by using short cut approaches to what is learned in the Introductory Class. (Introductory Class is recommended, but not required if available prior to the Level 1 Class.)

The class outline is an overview of the materials covered in each level. Each class is unique in itself as the class goes with the flow and energy of the group. No two classes are the same. Many of our students have taken classes numerous times as each time they learn something new and take with them a new experience

Please call 403-614-5789 to register or e-mail stephanie.monsen@shaw.ca.
Please note: There is a minimum of ten people per class.
Date: Please see "Class Schedule" for dates and locations
